Archives: News

Further documentation will provide clearer answers regarding the copper canister
Almost all parts of the application are approved, but the Land and Environment Court requests more documentation on the copper canister. Allan Hedin is a safety analyst at SKB and leads the work of preparing the supplementary documentation. – We plan to be ready during this year, he says. The court …

Published: 28 February 2018

Two statements on the Spent Fuel Repository
Aerial photo of the planned site of the Spent Fuel Repository (centre) at Forsmark. The picture is a photomontage. Illustration: Phosworks. The answer was a clear yes in SSM’s statement to the Government on SKB’s system for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The Land and Environment Court was als…

Published: 19 February 2018

The Land and Environment Court’s statement in the environmental licensing process
Today, the Land and Environment Court submitted its statement to the Government in the case concerning a final repository for spent nuclear fuel. The court approves large parts of the application: issues relating to the site Forsmark, the rock, the buffer and the environmental impact assessment. The…

Published: 25 January 2018

Swedish Radiation Safety Authority recommends approval of the Spent Fuel Repository
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, recommends the Government to grant a licence for a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark and an encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. SKB has the potential to meet the requirements of the Nuclear Activities Act concerning safe final disposal wi…

Published: 23 January 2018

One step closer to an extended SFR
The blue sections of this picture depict the new section of the Final Repository for Short-Lived Radioactive Waste, SFR, that SKB wants to extend into the bedrock under the sea. The Land and Environment Court and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority have announced SKB's application for a licence t…

Published: 14 December 2017

A week in Östhammar with a focus on the environment
About sixty people joined the inspection in the area around Söderviken, where the Spent Fuel Repository will be built.  Photo: SKB. The fourth week of the hearing began with the court presenting the schedule for the week. SKB’s legal representative presented SKB’s demands with a special focus on the…

Published: 16 October 2017

A week in Oskarshamn with inspections
Inspection at Clab. Photo: SKB. About 70 people were present at Forum in Oskarshamn when the third week of the main hearing began on Monday afternoon. SKB, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and other regulatory authorities, the municipalities, environmental organisations and both local newspape…

Published: 10 October 2017

Environmental licensing has started
The main hearing on SKB’s application for a licence to build a system for management and disposal of Sweden’s spent nuclear fuel started September 5. The main hearing takes place during five weeks. The first two weeks will be in Stockholm, followed by one week in Oskarshamn and Östhammar Municipalit…

Published: 19 September 2017

Eva Halldén new acting managing director
Eva Halldén is the new managing director of SKB since 1 April. She has been the managing director of both Ringhals and Forsmark nuclear power plants. – SKB has a very important task, and the company is now in an intensive phase with the environmental licensing in the Land and Environment Court this …

Published: 4 April 2017

Main hearing about the Spent Fuel Repository to start in September
On Friday 17 March the Swedish Land and Environment Court decided that the main hearing on SKB’s application for permits to build a Spent Fuel Repository at Forsmark and an encapsulation facility in Oskarshamn will begin in September 2017. Christopher Eckerberg ”This is a welcome decision. The envir…

Published: 20 March 2017