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The blue sections of this picture depict the new section of the Final Repository for Short-Lived Radioactive Waste, SFR, that SKB wants to extend into the bedrock under the sea.

One step closer to an extended SFR

The Land and Environment Court and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority have announced SKB’s application for a licence to extend the Final Repository for Short-lived Radioactive Waste, SFR, in Forsmark.

– An extension of SFR creates capacity for final disposal of low- and intermediate-level waste from the decommissioning of the Swedish nuclear power plants. The announcement is another step on the way to fulfilling our important task, says SKB’s managing director Eva Halldén.

The application for permission to extend the existing SFR was submitted in 2014 and this week’s announcement means that the review continues and enters the next phase. The Land and Environment Court will now refer the application for comment to concerned regulatory authorities, organisations and other parties that will have an opportunity to offer comments on the matter. Thereafter, the case is tried under the Swedish Environmental Code in a main hearing, which is planned for the end of 2018.

– The material in our application shows that the facility as a whole will remain safe both during operation and in the long term. Now we look forward to the referral procedure in the spring and the planned main hearing later in the year, says Peter Larsson, project manager for the SFR Extension Project.

At the same time, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority tries the application under the Nuclear Activities Act. The two licensing processes are pursued in parallel.


International conference on repositories at Äspö
SKB is hosting a gathering of 50 nationalities to develop guidelines on how work can be undertaken at a global level on research and development of geological repositories for radioactive waste. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is part of the United Nations, is organising the con…

Published: 28 June 2024

High level of confidence and continued strong support for SKB’s facilities
Confidence in SKB is high and support for future final repositories remains strong. This is shown by Novus’ annual opinion survey in the municipalities of Oskarshamn and Östhammar. In spring 2024, SKB commissioned the research company Novus to conduct opinion surveys in the two municipalities where …

Published: 14 June 2024

Green light for SKB’s research programme
The Government has approved SKB’s latest programme for research, development and demonstration, RD&D 2022. Every three years, SKB presents a comprehensive research programme for the management and disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The latest version was submitted to the Swedi…

Published: 10 January 2024

SKB signs collaboration agreement with Skanska for expansion of SFR
Illustration of the SFR showing the existing underground facility in white and the expansion in blue. SKB has signed a collaboration agreement with Skanska for expanding the existing final repository for short-lived radioactive waste (SFR) in Forsmark. The project involves the planning and construct…

Published: 21 August 2023

Stefan Engdahl new CEO of SKB
Stefan Engdahl has been appointed new CEO of SKB, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company. He joins the company from the Swedish Transport Administration, where he is currently Executive Director Market and Planning.

Published: 18 August 2023

Published: 14 December 2017