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The Land and Environment Court’s statement in the environmental licensing process

Today, the Land and Environment Court submitted its statement to the Government in the case concerning a final repository for spent nuclear fuel.

The court approves large parts of the application: issues relating to the site Forsmark, the rock, the buffer and the environmental impact assessment. The court also approves the encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn and increased capacity in the interim storage facility Clab. However, the court requests further information regarding the properties of the canister and long-term safety.

Eva Halldén, Managing Director.

– We can conclude that we have not been able to answer the court’s questions regarding the copper canister fully. At the same time, the Government’s expert authority, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), wrote in its statement that SKB has the potential to meet the legislative requirements on safe final disposal, says SKB’s managing director Eva Halldén.

SSM tries the application under the Nuclear Activities Act. Licensing under the Nuclear Activities Act is a stepwise process and SKB is already working on in-depth descriptions regarding the issues where the court calls for further answers.

– When we have submitted the documentation requested by SSM, we are certain that the Government will approve the final repository also under the Environmental Code, says Eva Halldén.

In the 1970s, the nuclear power companies in Sweden formed the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, SKB. Our task is to manage and dispose of all the radioactive waste from nuclear power plants in Sweden. The waste management must meet the highest requirements on safety for human beings and the environment. The task is so extensive that we consider it one of Sweden’s largest environmental protection projects.


The conditions for SKB’s biggest construction project – the final repository for spent nuclear fuel – are now being established
In January 2022, SKB was granted permissibility and a licence by the Government to build a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark in Östhammar Municipality and an encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. It is now time for the main hearing at the Land and Environment Court in Nacka on 17-20 S…

Published: 18 September 2024

International conference on repositories at Äspö
SKB is hosting a gathering of 50 nationalities to develop guidelines on how work can be undertaken at a global level on research and development of geological repositories for radioactive waste. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is part of the United Nations, is organising the con…

Published: 28 June 2024

High level of confidence and continued strong support for SKB’s facilities
Confidence in SKB is high and support for future final repositories remains strong. This is shown by Novus’ annual opinion survey in the municipalities of Oskarshamn and Östhammar. In spring 2024, SKB commissioned the research company Novus to conduct opinion surveys in the two municipalities where …

Published: 14 June 2024

Green light for SKB’s research programme
The Government has approved SKB’s latest programme for research, development and demonstration, RD&D 2022. Every three years, SKB presents a comprehensive research programme for the management and disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The latest version was submitted to the Swedi…

Published: 10 January 2024

SKB signs collaboration agreement with Skanska for expansion of SFR
Illustration of the SFR showing the existing underground facility in white and the expansion in blue. SKB has signed a collaboration agreement with Skanska for expanding the existing final repository for short-lived radioactive waste (SFR) in Forsmark. The project involves the planning and construct…

Published: 21 August 2023

Published: 25 January 2018