Six hundred employees in multiple locations
Today SKB employs a staff of nearly 600. We collaborate extensively with experts and free-lancers outside the company. If these are included, just over 800 people are occupied with the disposal of waste from Sweden’s nuclear power plants.
SKB’s head office is located in Arenastaden, Solna. We also have offices at Oskarshamn and Forsmark/Östhammar, where SKB has facilities and operates in various ways to prepare for the construction of the Final Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel. The organisation is adapted to give SKB good conditions for implementing the coming major construction projects.
SKB also has two subsidiaries: SKB International AB and SKB Näringslivsutveckling AB (SKB Nu). For the last 30 years SKB International has been providing consultancy services in other countries based on the expertise that has been developed in the Swedish nuclear waste programme. SKB Nu was established within the framework of the agreement on added value signed between SKB, our owners and the municipalities of Oskarshamn and Östhammar. The aims of the company are to develop new and existing companies in the two municipalities.
Executive management
Facility Development: Johan Hedlund. The department’s main tasks are to ensure that the nuclear facilities and the transport system are available in the long term and are developed safely and efficiently.
Safety, Quality and Environment: Peter Selting. The department’s main tasks are to support, monitor and develop SKB’s radiation safety work and to promote a sound and well-developed safety culture. Furthermore, the department is responsible for managing and developing SKB’s quality and environmental work.
Research and Development: Eva Andersson (acting). The department’s main tasks are to manage and be responsible for technology development and research to support the design of final repositories and safety after closure.
Project: Peter Wass. The department’s main task is to implement facility development in the form of programs, projects or assignments.
Communication: Anna Porelius. The department’s main task is to be responsible for internal and external communication, press and public relations, sponsoring, company profile and added value.
Finance and Business Support: Sofia Rosander. The department’s main tasks are to support the managing director with internal governance, monitoring and development of SKB, responsibility for financial issues, IT-IT, financial control and management and administrative support for company employees.
Operations and Maintenance: Ulrika Broman. The department’s main tasks are to operate and maintain SKB’s nuclear facilities Clab and SFR and the transport system safely and efficiently.
Engineering: Susanne Andersson. The department’s main task is to be responsible for the construction of SKB’s nuclear facilities and the transport system.
About SKB
SKB provides most of its services on behalf of its owners, the companies that operate nuclear power plants in Sweden. Our owners are Vattenfall AB, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, OKG Aktiebolag and Sydkraft Nuclear Power AB.