The expert group from IAEA at a visit to Clab in Oskarshamn.

Sweden and SKB rated highly by the IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has organised an international review of Swedish handling of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The expert group gives Sweden and SKB positive ratings in its review, highlighting in particular the development of SKB’s method for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel, our siting process and the dialogue with various stakeholders.

Jessica Palmqvist,, Acting CEO. Foto Mikael Wallerstedt

– I’m proud of the way we handle nuclear waste in Sweden. The expert group gives us and everyone involved in the Swedish nuclear waste programme a good rating in this review, says Jessica Palmqvist, CEO of Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.

The purpose of the review is to examine how well countries comply with international guidelines for the handling of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The IAEA has organised a process known as the Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS). The main focus was on how the national system for handling spent nuclear fuel and all radioactive waste functions as a whole.

– The expert group concludes that we have programmes that deal with nuclear waste safely and efficiently, and that we have well-developed working methods both internally and with other interested parties, both nationally and internationally, continues Jessica.
The government commissioned the assignment from the IAEA in the light of the European Nuclear Waste Directive, which stipulates that an international assessment must be conducted at least every ten years. This is the first time an ARTEMIS review has been conducted in Sweden.

One key element of the review was the discussions with the expert group that the IAEA had assembled, and SKB had a broad level of involvement and played a very active role.

– Being able to study the experts’ conclusions gives us the opportunity to further enhance the handling of radioactive waste, even though we already have a safe and robust system, concludes Jessica Palmqvist.

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