SKB publishes updated analysis of post-closure safety for Spent Fuel Repository

Hello there, Allan Hedin, safety analyst in SKB’s Research and Development Department. Last week, SKB published a number of new reports, which together form an updated analysis of post-closure safety for the Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark.

Allan Hedin, safety analyst SKB.

The application for the final repository system has already been approved by the government; why do we need a new analysis?

– Our last analysis, SR-Site, the one that formed the basis for our application for the Spent Fuel Repository, was submitted to the authorities in 2011. We’ve now been working for many years on an updated analysis that includes also the knowledge of post-closure safety that has emerged over the last decade. The updated analysis is a cornerstone in all the reporting that needs to be approved by the SSM (the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority) for us to start construction of the repository.

Why are the reports being published now – after all, they aren’t intended to be submitted to SSM until next year?

– As a matter of principle, we disseminate the material we produce to everyone interested. The analysis has now been completed a little earlier than necessary, and there’s no reason to delay publication. It’s also good for us to be able to refer to these reports ourselves in future work.

Can you say something about the conclusions?

– As in the previous SR-Site analysis, the most important conclusion is that a safe final repository can be built at Forsmark. We now have even more scientific and technical data to support this conclusion.


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