Separate judgement in nature protection case

When it emerged that three ponds will have to be filled in during the construction of the Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark, SKB requested exemption from the Species Protection Ordinance in order to be able to move protected species such as the pool frog and the crested newt. The Land and Environment Court has now approved SKB’s application.

Work to secure the population of pool frogs and crested newts has been in progress for many years. Among other things, SKB has built new ponds for the amphibians and created a so-called frog hotel, where the frogs can spend the winter, on the site. Many frogs have already moved of their own accord, but the separate judgement now means that SKB can move the amphibians that remain in the old ponds.

Work to move the amphibians can be undertaken over two years, 2023 and 2024, which means that the creatures can establish themselves in the new ponds in good time before the Spent Fuel Repository is to be built.

SKB had already been granted an exemption from the Species Protection Ordinance by the County Administrative Board in June 2013. The exemption was appealed and remained dormant until the Government’s decision on the permissibility of the Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark, which was made in January this year. The Land and Environment Court has now examined the case and found that exemption can be granted from the Species Protection Ordinance.


International conference on repositories at Äspö
SKB is hosting a gathering of 50 nationalities to develop guidelines on how work can be undertaken at a global level on research and development of geological repositories for radioactive waste. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is part of the United Nations, is organising the con…

Published: 28 June 2024

High level of confidence and continued strong support for SKB’s facilities
Confidence in SKB is high and support for future final repositories remains strong. This is shown by Novus’ annual opinion survey in the municipalities of Oskarshamn and Östhammar. In spring 2024, SKB commissioned the research company Novus to conduct opinion surveys in the two municipalities where …

Published: 14 June 2024

Green light for SKB’s research programme
The Government has approved SKB’s latest programme for research, development and demonstration, RD&D 2022. Every three years, SKB presents a comprehensive research programme for the management and disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The latest version was submitted to the Swedi…

Published: 10 January 2024

SKB signs collaboration agreement with Skanska for expansion of SFR
Illustration of the SFR showing the existing underground facility in white and the expansion in blue. SKB has signed a collaboration agreement with Skanska for expanding the existing final repository for short-lived radioactive waste (SFR) in Forsmark. The project involves the planning and construct…

Published: 21 August 2023

Stefan Engdahl new CEO of SKB
Stefan Engdahl has been appointed new CEO of SKB, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company. He joins the company from the Swedish Transport Administration, where he is currently Executive Director Market and Planning.

Published: 18 August 2023

Published: 4 January 2023