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Large majority in favour of a nuclear fuel repository in Forsmark

Three out of four residents in Östhammar Municipality are in favour of the planned final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark. That is what the annual opinion poll conducted by Novus for SKB in Östhammar Municipality shows. In Oskarshamn Municipality, 79 percent are in favour of the construction of the encapsulation plant Clink.

“Of course it is very enjoyable indeed to see that what we are doing and planning for in the two municipalities is received in such a positive way. What is particularly gratifying is that the high figures are so stable over time”, says SKB’s CEO Eva Halldén.

Every year, SKB measures the public opinion in the municipalities comprised by the plans for the handling of Swedish spent nuclear fuel. In Östhammar Municipality, 77 percent of the respondents state that they are “completely in favour” or “in favour” of plans to build a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark. The level has been stable for several years.

Similarly, 79 percent of the respondents in Oskarshamn municipality state that they are “completely in favour” or “in favour” of the plans to build an encapsulation plant for spent nuclear fuel in the municipality.

High level of confidence in SKB

As a part of the survey, questions concerning confidence in SKB are also asked. In Östhammar Municipality, 76 percent state that they have a “very high” or “rather high” level of confidence in the company. In Oskarshamn Municipality, the corresponding figure is 85 percent.

“The survey shows that there is a high level of confidence in the company in both Östhammar and Oskarshamn. We have been asking the confidence questions every year since 2013, and the confidence is impressively stable. Also, the planned repository in Östhammar and the encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn have strong support in their respective locations, and the figures are stable”, says Gun Pettersson, consultant manager at Novus.

The licensing process for the Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark and the encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn continues. At the moment, the matter is being dealt with by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy for a future decision by the government. SKB is continuing to work on the detailed material that the Land and Environment Court requested in its statement after the environmental review. Before the Government decide on the matter, the municipalities concerned will also be consulted since they have the right of veto in the matter: Östhammar Municipality regarding the Spent Fuel Repository, and Oskarshamn Municipality regarding the encapsulation plant.

About the survey

The survey was conducted by Novus and lasted for five weeks in the spring of 2018. It comprises 800 completed telephone interviews with residents in Oskarshamn and Östhammar Municipality and has a statistical margin of error of +/- 2.8 to 3.5 percent, based on the outcome.


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Published: 1 June 2018