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Eva Halldén new managing director

Eva Halldén is the new managing director of SKB since 1 April. She has been the managing director of both Ringhals and Forsmark nuclear power plants.

– SKB has a very important task, and the company is now in an intensive phase with the environmental licensing in the Land and Environment Court this autumn and the continued planning of our major projects. At the same time, we must manage the operations and continue research. So this is clearly a very exciting time to get involved, says Eva Halldén.

In addition to having been the managing director of Ringhals and Forsmark nuclear power plants, Eva Halldén has been the director of Studsvik Nuclear and has worked with efficiency and improvement issues in the nuclear field at Vattenfall.


Rock construction work can start on extension of SFR
On Friday the 29th of November SKB was granted a permit to commence rock construction work on the extension of the final repository for short-lived radioactive waste, SFR, in Forsmark. The permit was issued by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM. In December 2022, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering…

Published: 5 December 2024

SKB International on state visit with the royal couple
SKB International is one of around 50 Swedish companies participating in the Swedish royal couple's state visit to Singapore. Magnus Holmqvist with Puah Kok Keong, Chief Executive, Energy Market Authority, EMA. Singapore is a country with ambitious goals to reduce its emissions and is working toward…

Published: 21 November 2024

Environmental judgement means construction can start on SKB’s spent fuel repository
SKB has today received an environmental permit to build and operate the final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark and the encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. The judgement was issued by the Land and Environmental Court.

Published: 26 October 2024

The conditions for SKB’s biggest construction project – the final repository for spent nuclear fuel – are now being established
In January 2022, SKB was granted permissibility and a licence by the Government to build a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark in Östhammar Municipality and an encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. It is now time for the main hearing at the Land and Environment Court in Nacka on 17-20 S…

Published: 18 September 2024

International conference on repositories at Äspö
SKB is hosting a gathering of 50 nationalities to develop guidelines on how work can be undertaken at a global level on research and development of geological repositories for radioactive waste. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is part of the United Nations, is organising the con…

Published: 28 June 2024

Published: 4 April 2017