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Separate judgement in nature protection case

When it emerged that three ponds will have to be filled in during the construction of the Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark, SKB requested exemption from the Species Protection Ordinance in order to be able to move protected species such as the pool frog and the crested newt. The Land and Environment Court has now approved SKB’s application.

Work to secure the population of pool frogs and crested newts has been in progress for many years. Among other things, SKB has built new ponds for the amphibians and created a so-called frog hotel, where the frogs can spend the winter, on the site. Many frogs have already moved of their own accord, but the separate judgement now means that SKB can move the amphibians that remain in the old ponds.

Work to move the amphibians can be undertaken over two years, 2023 and 2024, which means that the creatures can establish themselves in the new ponds in good time before the Spent Fuel Repository is to be built.

SKB had already been granted an exemption from the Species Protection Ordinance by the County Administrative Board in June 2013. The exemption was appealed and remained dormant until the Government’s decision on the permissibility of the Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark, which was made in January this year. The Land and Environment Court has now examined the case and found that exemption can be granted from the Species Protection Ordinance.


Blasting starts on the SFR extension in Forsmark
Work to extend SFR, the final repository for short-lived radioactive waste, began today with a blast 45 metres below ground. The blast marked the start of the six-year extension project.

Published: 23 January 2025

Construction begins on Swedish Spent Fuel Repository
The ground was broken today to start the construction of the Swedish Spent Fuel Repository in Forsmark, Östhammar Municipality. Minister for Climate and Environment Romina Pourmokhtari was present to officially start the work.

Published: 15 January 2025

SKB to weld canisters for world’s first final repository
SKB is to weld canisters for the Finnish final repository for spent nuclear fuel. An agreement has been concluded between SKB and its Finnish counterpart, Posiva Oy, under which SKB will weld the bases of the Finnish canisters in SKB’s canister laboratory in Oskarshamn.

Published: 16 December 2024

Rock construction work can start on extension of SFR
On Friday the 29th of November SKB was granted a permit to commence rock construction work on the extension of the final repository for short-lived radioactive waste, SFR, in Forsmark. The permit was issued by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM. In December 2022, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering…

Published: 5 December 2024

SKB International on state visit with the royal couple
SKB International is one of around 50 Swedish companies participating in the Swedish royal couple's state visit to Singapore. Magnus Holmqvist with Puah Kok Keong, Chief Executive, Energy Market Authority, EMA. Singapore is a country with ambitious goals to reduce its emissions and is working toward…

Published: 21 November 2024

Published: 4 January 2023